Who am I going to be today?
By Nick Hartkop
Two sides of the same coin
One of kindness, one of anger
Who am I going to be today?
The clouds clear inside my brain
That keep the light from shining through
Angers voice is louder than loves whispers
For holes in walls to be patched up
And painted over with a smile
The same smile that turns sour when the thoughts set in
The emptiness in my brain
The words that cause pain
Two sides of the same coin
Happy and sad
Lonely and in love
I push people away who want me to stay
But I feel that something is beginning to change
My heart begins to connect with my thoughts
The good ones not the bad
Do I have thoughts that are good?
Am I a good thought?
I don’t feel like a monster
But my reflection shows a wolf
Sometimes I break glass and I cry
Sometimes I cry because I can’t figure out what to say
Sometimes I spit fire with my tongue when I think I do.
Who am I going to be today?
Two sides of the same coin
What if we can’t find each other after we die?
We will because I can feel your energy