I wanted to end the year by doing a podcast with my wife where we talk about SWY and media, so we shittily recorded one ourselves and it's available on the site now! We talk about games, movies, and music and hope people enjoy it. I've been wanting to do a podcast but with my mental health it's hard for me to commit to starting and keeping with things, so I thought a one-off end of the year episode could be fun. I've done about half of my inbox for messages so if you haven't heard from me, I'll be getting to them this week. I want to thank everyone for listening and happy Hanukkah. I know I haven't been writing as many blogs lately, but I'm going to try to post some stories and poems and be more active. McCafferty Forever.
Here's the link to the podcast! 2022 Year-in-Review Podcast | McCafferty (mccaffertyband.com) Nick